René Schmidt
Studium der Zahnheilkunde an der Heinrich- Heine- Universität Düsseldorf
Staatsexamen Zahnmedizin Heinrich- Heine- Universität Düsseldorf
Zusatzqualifikation: IT-Netzwerk-Administration im SMB-Bereich für
Microsoft/Mac Server und Workstation-Plattformen
1999 bis 2001
selbständige zahnärztliche Tätigkeit in Norwich, England, UK
2001 bis 2004
selbständige zahnärztliche Tätigkeit in Brighton, England, UK
20013 until today
Selbständigkeit im Bereich IT-Consulting und SMB-Netzwerkadministration
2004 bis 2006
selbständige zahnärztliche Tätigkeit in Camborne, Cornwall, UK
2010 until 2012
Postgraduate student in orthodontic practice Dr. Bimler in Düsseldorf
2010 bis heute
Zertifizierung für Incognito Lingualtechnik
2013 until 2014
Klinikjahr am King’s College London bei den Professoren Fraser McDonald, Dirk Bister und in Norwich bei Dr. Tewson
2014 until today
Gründung Gemeinschaftspraxis Bimler & Schmidt Kieferorthopäden
2017 bis heute
Zertifizierung für DW WIN Lingualsystems
2010 bis heute
Mitglied in zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften, u. A. DGLO, DGKFO, AAO, WFO und Teilnahme an zahllosen Weiterbildungsseminaren,
Messen, Kongressen etc. im Bereich Kieferorthopädie
You can call it passion for detail, dentist and specialist orthodontist René Schmidt rather likes to describe it as “professional perfectionism with all around service for the patient’s benefit”. As a matter of fact, Bimler & Schmidt’s ambition is to still perfect results, even after a treatment has been finished. René Schmidt says: “There are a lot of patients who often seek more after they have already received one or more orthodontic treatments and ask for optimization. Patients demand high standards of our work and we give our best to fulfill these demands as we demand high standards of our work as well”.
René Schmidt, born in 1970 and an avid water sports fan. Because two heads are better than one, Dr. Maximilian Bimler and René Schmidt work out each and every treatment plan together. This is a huge advantage for the patient as each of the two specialist orthodontists can treat every patient. This is efficient, saves time and costs and at the same time, improves the treatment because “As a team we are even stronger,” explains René Schmidt.
Besides that, he sets great value upon a confiding and fair relationship towards the patient: “Not only receive our patients or their parents a detailed consultation regarding their treatment plans, we also help our patients in legal, actuarial and financial matters in regard of their treatment. We offer payment in instalments and make all items on the invoice clearly understandable. And as for our younger patients, we are parents as well and know how we can approach children: with fun and watchfulness at the same time.”